Wednesday 2 May 2012

Final Ident

This is my Final Ident

Second Ident i Exported

This is my second ident I uploaded, I realised I didn’t make my music fade out in the end and it sounded a little weird by ending bluntly. So I went back into after effects again to make the music fade out in the end. 

First Export of Final Ident

this was my first ident i exported, unfortunately the music didn't properly start til quite late into the ident so i had to go back to after effects and edit the music to come in earlier.

trouble with making the bdc logo move on the 'wall of china' photo

For the last few hours in making the ident i had to stop the 'great wall of china' photo being a 3d layer because the bdc logo on it wouldn’t move in a diagonal motion across it. Instead as the layer was 3d it was moving with the camera movement I had placed on it earlier and the bdc logo was just moving across the picture from left to right. I researched on the Internet how to make the logo go in a diagonal motion and it came up with making paths and making the logo run along it.
I did make the path but for some reason the logo wouldn’t run along it, I did this time and time again making the logo 2d or 3d layer, doing the path then placing the logo on top of it or putting the logo on and drawing the path on it. Nothing worked. Instead I decided to covert the ‘wall of china’ photo into a 2d layer and it stopped moving with the camera movement it had. So I made the bdc logo a 3d layer and I managed to make it move along the ‘wall of china’ photo using key frames. 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Disappearing layer in aftereffects

Half way through making the logos creative I noticed that on some of the photos the logo started to disappear. I looked on the Internet ‘disappearing layer in after effects’ and some answers were because the logo is a png file although my other png logos are working.
After doing more research on the Internet I didn’t find any results. I decided to take the png file and opened it into Photoshop to convert it into a jpeg and Photoshop file. My teacher did do some research also and it said that the png files wont disappear if they have alpha channels switch on with is done while saving the png photo in Photoshop but unfortunately I couldn’t do this nor could I do this on any other file type. Instead I put the new photoshop file logo into my ident, when switching it to 3d on the photos it disappeared so I’ve kept it 2d and have started to make the logos move. 

making logos more creative

since i managed to make camera movements on my photos, my teacher had the idea to make the logos move on the photos. to do this you clicked on the logo's layer, open a button call transform and you can choose to make the logo go left or right, u or down, diagonal, flipped upside down or backwards. again when you choose what you'd like your logo to do it creates check points so as the logo plays through it hits check points which tells it what to do.

camera movements

I read this online tutorial about camera movements across the photos to make my ident more interesting and eye catching. I had to convert my layers and logos into 3d layers and put a new layer in which was the camera movement. When you opened the camera layer it brought you to a button called ‘transform’ which lets you choose what camera movement you’d like on the photo. I did this on all of the photos I have, when you do the camera movement it opens ‘check points’ so as the camera movement moves on in the photo it hits check points which tells it what to do next. 

new chosen photos

Unfortunately the previous photos i intended to use were too small to fit on the after effects screen. When i scaled the to the right size they were very pixelated and blurry because the photos were so small. So ive chosen some different photos and some different monuments that are a lot bigger in size so instead of having to make them bigger causing them to be blurry I just have to make them smaller.

Chosen Photos for Ident

These are the chosen photos for my ident. 

Monday 27 February 2012

Time Scales

My ident will be around 10 seconds long. Each of these images will be on screen for around 2.5 seconds; they will be presented by various camera shots panning around them. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Limitations and opportunites

  • ·      To graphics and texts to show deep things
  • ·      Communication things that are deep in a complicit manner
  • ·      2d as well
  • ·      10-20 seconds long idents are so it’s limited to branding channel
  • ·      Composing text and typography onto a television screen – text does not translate easily onto screen, breaks up
  • ·      Screen resolutions and moirĂ© fringing often happens when designs have lines too close together. Designs must be aware of their designs because it can be ruined in transferring and decoding
  • ·      Text based things may have problems because not everyone in the uk can read and not everyone reads and understands English. So this wouldn’t be able to be used in France or on the Asian market
  • ·      Aspect ratio of TV 4:3 so as a designer it can be a limit because it’s a shape that they have to work within. Also if people are watching on computer screens have not television the ratio will be different so it wont transfer
  • ·      Motion graphics software is more fasting than changes in television, so design could create something that cannot be transmitted on to hd
  • ·      If bad idents are made it can also put the viewer off and ruin the companies identity
  • ·      Idents are also very expensive but because every channel has one there becomes a need of having one

  • ·      Before idents channels didn’t need to be branded, as there were mainly only 3 channels so now idents are needed a lot greatly because of satellite which gives viewers 100’s channels now. Because of this more jobs have arisen
  • ·      In the 1980’s many people wouldn’t have known the importance of bbc for example because it wasn’t portrayed because of the 3 channels
  • ·      TV channels could communicate their values or mission statements. They have now made corporate identity’s that show the channels persona
  • ·      TV idents allow channels to target audiences whereas before they didn’t do that because they had broader audiences
  • ·      TV idents encourage brand loyalty
  • ·       TV idents can have louder volume compared to the channels programs volume to remind the viewers who they’re watching. This also helps for people who multiply task while watching the channel so they can hear it more

·      Stings are short and sharp so they attract attention
·      Not just graphics its now more video, mimicking adverts, animation

Monday 23 January 2012

MTV idents

·      They have a sexual nature – sex sells
·      Their target audience is for 18-34 year olds
·      The idents are made up of wacky colours and music
·      To much happening in the idents apart from little animated figures dancing and singing
·      Logo is in the top left corner until it tops up in the middle of the screen after the idents play.

ITV1 dodgems cars and nail polish

  •        The itv1 logo and colours all match in the background they are all     yellowy/orange.
  • ·      Itv2 is mainly for young females, which is why it has nail polish, heels and bags.
  • ·            Itv2 is more busier while itv1 is more relaxed because its for family viewing
  • ·            Dodgems are real but also a little make believe because they float and fly away. Its a little like toy story ‘while he adults are away the toys will play’.
  • ·           Itv2 is a bit of a girl fantasy because as they nail polish falls lots of girlie objects grow out of the liquid. E.g. Heels, bags.
  • ·           The logo sits in the middle of the idents, which ruins the content.

Channel 4 airplane graveyard ident

  • Starts small like a trailer
  • The sound gets louder as the idents goes on and it makes the ident grow.
  • Stays the same speed throughout but as the camera moves it shows more.
  • The ‘4’ logo is big, meaning ig channel, big programs and its dynamic
  • The logo does keep you look for it though so it is interactive with the viewers
  • Messes with codes and conventions as t doesn’t have a lot of branding and it looks more like a film opening then an ident

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Understanding the purpose and design of tv idents

Television idents are logos that identify a television programme. Idents have transformed from black and white images into coloured moving images. The idents is what a television channels has to help identify them by showing their brand name.’s first ident was back in the 1950’s. The ident was just an image instead of moving pictures like we have today. The middle of the ident was a circular shape with a ‘eye’ in the middle with two arrows, one at the top and the other at the bottom. As BBC is worldwide the circle could represent the world and the arrows are the North and South Pole. Also there seems to be electric/sound waves at either side of the circle which could also represent television.

This is a itv1 ident back in 2010. The ident features people in the late evening letting go of Chinese lanterns while the camera pans along the movement of the lanterns. The idents starts with not a lot happening on screen (people releasing the lanterns) and as the ident moves on it becomes a lot busier as the camera points to the sky and the audience can just see the lanterns floating off into the sky. Itv1’s appears in the middle, left of the screen and the lanterns go both behind and in front of the logo, which makes the idents seem more 3D like. The logo is yellow, which matches the colour of the glow of the lanterns also seems to be the same for itv’s other idents – they all have a similar yellow colour that features. This colour makes the ident feel relaxing and warm. I think compared to E4 idents this ident is formal but I think the ident is entertainment.

This is a bbc1 idents from 2009 which features people flying kites. The idents starts with 3 fast cuts of a person in long grass holding a kites handles flying one, a red kite in the sky and the again cuts to someone’s hands the ident then cuts to the camera pointing to the sky with a long shot of red kites flying in a circular motion around the bbc1’s logo. BBC1’s idents always include the colour red, which recognizes them as a brand and they always have actions in their idents that move in circular motions like the kites. At the beginning the ident seems fast moving because of the cuts but as the ident establishes itself and moves into a shot of just hills and people flying kites. I think the music contrasts with the ident as the music sounds quite relaxing and slow whereas the movement in the ident seems very energetic. The BBC logo also appears through the cuts at the beginning on the ident as each of the three cuts appear more of the logo does. It is also placed in the middle of the screen so the kites fly perfectly around it. I think its quite information based as its an activity and that audiences would consume it as an activity.

this is an ident for BBC 3 from 2008 that lets us the viewer tracks through an animation fantasy world. The ident seems very random, it starts with a camera tracking through what seems to be a world as its round and I think it contains things that somehow relate to BBC 3.e.g. Speakers, television, buildings. Yet it also seems to contain just random everyday objects such as cars, plants and people. As we are tracked through this world we are also following a tube of pink liquid that goes in and out of the world at various points and as the BBC 3 logo appears the pink liquid fills it and acts as though it powers it. The pace of the ident moves very quickly and seems to be rushed. The music however seems to fit the pace and the idea of this fantasy world. As a viewer it seems very bright and eye catching and as it’s so random it seems a lot more interesting and it keeps you hooked on what else could appear as opposed to a BBC1 advert. This shows that it is entertainment based.  I also think this could be a spring ident as it shows flowers springing up and clouds in the sky of a sunny day.

This is a a ident for channel 5. It shows a stereo level moving up and down to the beat of the music which then explodes leaving red blocks everywhere including the logo. As I have noticed while looking at quite a few channel five idents they all seem to have a familiar red colour and have a association with red blocks. The ident almost appears 3d and connects with us the viewer because as the stereo explodes all the red blocks come flying towards the camera. The channel five logo which is simply a ‘5’ first appears in the stereo for less than a second and somehow created the explosion of red blocks. This keeps our eye on one specifically though as it stands out from the rest when comes straight towards the viewer. I think the tempo is fast but that’s because the idents stays in tune with the music playing as it moves with it. I think this ident is entertainment based.