Monday 27 February 2012

Time Scales

My ident will be around 10 seconds long. Each of these images will be on screen for around 2.5 seconds; they will be presented by various camera shots panning around them. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Limitations and opportunites

  • ·      To graphics and texts to show deep things
  • ·      Communication things that are deep in a complicit manner
  • ·      2d as well
  • ·      10-20 seconds long idents are so it’s limited to branding channel
  • ·      Composing text and typography onto a television screen – text does not translate easily onto screen, breaks up
  • ·      Screen resolutions and moirĂ© fringing often happens when designs have lines too close together. Designs must be aware of their designs because it can be ruined in transferring and decoding
  • ·      Text based things may have problems because not everyone in the uk can read and not everyone reads and understands English. So this wouldn’t be able to be used in France or on the Asian market
  • ·      Aspect ratio of TV 4:3 so as a designer it can be a limit because it’s a shape that they have to work within. Also if people are watching on computer screens have not television the ratio will be different so it wont transfer
  • ·      Motion graphics software is more fasting than changes in television, so design could create something that cannot be transmitted on to hd
  • ·      If bad idents are made it can also put the viewer off and ruin the companies identity
  • ·      Idents are also very expensive but because every channel has one there becomes a need of having one

  • ·      Before idents channels didn’t need to be branded, as there were mainly only 3 channels so now idents are needed a lot greatly because of satellite which gives viewers 100’s channels now. Because of this more jobs have arisen
  • ·      In the 1980’s many people wouldn’t have known the importance of bbc for example because it wasn’t portrayed because of the 3 channels
  • ·      TV channels could communicate their values or mission statements. They have now made corporate identity’s that show the channels persona
  • ·      TV idents allow channels to target audiences whereas before they didn’t do that because they had broader audiences
  • ·      TV idents encourage brand loyalty
  • ·       TV idents can have louder volume compared to the channels programs volume to remind the viewers who they’re watching. This also helps for people who multiply task while watching the channel so they can hear it more

·      Stings are short and sharp so they attract attention
·      Not just graphics its now more video, mimicking adverts, animation